concrete genius concrete truck

Hit Your Numbers Without Interruption

From airport runways to public pools, we’ve been happy to supply concrete producers worldwide with mixers capable of pouring as fast as they can keep up with. As concrete enthusiasts ourselves, we know exactly what’s needed to take your projects to the next level.

Our Lifetime Mixers Are Transforming The Industry

As producers ourselves, we know exactly what the concrete market needs the most - an accurate, durable and efficient mixer that lasts the lifetime of your operation. Our mixers are designed with light-weight components that encourage longevity and cost-effectiveness.

The weight of our mixers are 25% lighter, allowing us to carry 10% extra per load, decreasing overall operating expenses for a truck by 10% over the life of the mixer. Over 5-6 years of normal use, this is as much as $60,000 in savings.

Accurate, High-Quality Concrete

Our mixing technology allows the ability to measure and adjust each litre of concrete while producing up to 100+yd3 per hour.

Operator Friendly

All run from a custom docking interface, operators have access to real-time mixing data right at their fingertips.

Built to Last

The mixers are designed for 30 years of life and are fully modular, meaning that when you buy from us, you don't need to buy a new mixer to get the latest componentry - you can upgrade it without having to buy a whole new mixer. The frames are also made to not crack or warp through the life of your operation.

Clients Who Have Embraced Concrete Made Through
Our Technology

From large multi-national enterprises to scrappy startups, our tech
has stood the test of time in the toughest jobs that industry has to offer.


We're Committed To Your Success

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Challenge Accepted

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